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Name: Siawn
Gender: Male
Race: Gnome

Donators for 2025

To see past year donators:
This is a list of donators for the 2024 Ancient Anguish donation drive.
To see a list of people who contributed during the last donation drives, 
type 'help donators1994', 'help donators1995', 'help donators2000', etc
for previous years' donators.
  Annual goals are based on expected annual operating expenses.
Percentage of goal achieved: 26.6667%  ($240 of $900 US)

We have received donations from the following people so far:

Patrons of Ancient Anguish ($250+)

Most Honorable Donators ($100)

Honorable Donators ($50)


Special Donators ($25+)

Iskenderun   Leucippus    Renon        

Donators ($10+)

Angstrom     Arrikhan     Azara        Castro       Claremont    Groot
Havoc        Jelly        Jolly        Kartikeya    Scrubby      

Basic Donators ($1 - $9)

These are the leading groups:

Percentage of collected amount per state or country:

  1. Utah             20% (1)       7. Unknown           8% (2)     
  2. Arizona          12% (3)       8. Pennsylvania      4% (1)     
  3. Switzerland      10% (2)       9. Sweden            4% (1)     
  4. Minnesota        10% (1)      10. Massachusetts     4% (1)     
  5. Australia        10% (1)      11. South africa      4% (1)     
  6. New york         10% (1)     

Percentage of collected amount per class:

  1. Mages            31% (6)       5. Paladins          5% (1)     
  2. Necromancers     20% (1)       6. Shapeshifters     5% (1)     
  3. Clerics          18% (3)       7. Wizards           4% (1)     
  4. Jaochi           10% (1)       8. Artificers        4% (1)     

Percentage of collected amount per guild:

  1. None             29% (5)       5. The Black Bear    8% (2)     
  2. Courts of Chaos  29% (3)       6. Monks of Antana   4% (1)     
  3. Knights of Drin  10% (1)       7. The Snowfolk      4% (1)     
  4. Scythe Clan      10% (1)       8. The Eldar         4% (1)