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Name: Remedy
Gender: Male
Race: Human
The Scythe

The Scythe

Founded by a band of mercenaries, the Scythe was formed by a mysterious figure known only as Halforc at the end of the last Orc-Human War. Halforc, born of an orcish mother and a human father, was a leader of the orcs in the great Orc-Human War. When the Orcs were driven westward by Drin's forces, Halforc escaped by hiding out in the mountains.

Biding his time, Halforc waited until he sensed the mood in the Realm was right to start a resistance band against Drin. Halforc's vision has, through the years, culminated in the troop of fearless renegades that exist today.

In the years since its inception, the guild has grown from a small group of warriors, boldly raiding King Drin's heart-land, to a reasonably well-organised band of like-minded killers.

Members are generally a friendly enough bunch when it comes to their own bloodkin, but rarely will a member go out of their way to rescue another. This thinking may seem strange to those who hide in lesser guilds, but Halforc always insisted that members rely on their own strength, resourcefulness, and cunning rather than constantly depend on others to bail them out of sticky situations. It is this philosophy that has helped make the guild the most feared in the realm.

New members must pass an entrance test before they are admitted. To join you must present Boki, the recruitment officer, with the corpse of something that was stronger than you. If it was strong enough, Boki will brand you, and you will become one of the bloodkin.

The Scythe accept Dwarf, Human, and Orc races, including Cleric, Fighter, Mage, Necromancer, Ranger, Rogue, and Shapeshifter classes. SK members are allowed.

The guild is located very close to Tantallon, slightly to the southwest.