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Name: Sharakkhal
Gender: Male
Race: Half-elf
The Monks of Antana

The Monks of Antana

A nature-loving people known as the Monks of Antana, have come together to find their inner-selves and spread the word and love of Antana throughout the world. They have a temple there where anyone may come to meditate and become more enlightened about the world around them. The inner rooms of the temple may only be entered by members, however.

Originally the order was a collective of humans coming together to worship, but the High Priests have recently discovered that other races also wish enlightenment and forgiveness for their sins.

Antana is the protector of the guild, and the patron of the temple. She enjoys nature and is offended by the destruction of natural things. She is often depicted as a beautiful young woman with long flowing hair of gold. She bears a limewood staff in her left hand and wears a robe of the finest white silk.

The Monks of Antana accept Elf, Half-Elf, and Human races, including Artificer, Cleric, Fighter, Jaochi, Mage, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, and Shapeshifter classes. SK members are not allowed.

The guild is located behind the waterfall in Neville.